- Multi-Pack/Can & Loyalty Fund Program elections must first be made by the retailer with their AGDC Sales Manager and entered by the AGDC Sales Manager into their sales system called Focus.
- Once elections have been made by the AGDC Sales Manager in their sales system (Focus), the retailer will then see theses election options when they open the dezi app and scroll down to the PM USA, USSTC, JMC and/or Helix promotional allowance screens.
- As applicable, the retailer will click on each of the promotional allowance tabs on each screen and enter the Multi-Pack/Can & Loyalty Find Program promotional allowance amount(s) provided by PM USA, USSTC, JMC and/or Helix (shown in the yellow box)*.
- Once the settings in dezi are saved, these promotional allowances will be applied to transactions when the eligible quantity of products is scanned.
* Retailers can change or delete the promotional allowances at any time. For complete details on the PM USA, USSTC, JMC and/or Helix election options, including terms and conditions of participation, available rates & geographies, and other election options, reference the Promotional Notices on www.Insightsc3m.com